Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:52

Will and Jada Smith have been separated since 2016

I remember at one time Will even said that divorce was not an option for him as he had been married and divorced previously and he did not want to go through that again. And so they always talked about how no matter what happened in their marriage, they would stand together and they would stay together for life, that they would take their vows seriously till death do them part. So it was quite surprising to hear that in spite of that, they are separated, living completely separate lives

#life #love #marriage #hollywood #men #women

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:38
But anyway, I felt like that show was dishonest because they were living a fake life. I mean, you don't live this fake so long that you might as well just keep continue living it fake. Nobody really cared if they separated. Nobody cared if they went ahead and just let it go and moved on in life. They would be more happier
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:25
Keep my wife's name out your mouth, whether separated or together, that's what a married man would do. If I was separated, I'm like, damn, you talking about you shorty. What you going to do? But I just think she needs to stop, and she's trying to come across as this intellectual, spiritual guru. Listen to your mama, listen to your mother. But I don't know. I do know. I think she wants to sell a book
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

javon johnson
@motoblanco · 4:03
But again, I'm not sure what to make of it. But she needs to let Will go, let the man go. I really kind of get the feeling that she doesn't deserve him. She doesn't deserve him. And I think he's kind of making a fool out of a fool out of himself, too. I think his career will survive. I think his career will bounce back after some years
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:40


The confusion, the lying and babbling and the mistakes, the reckless decision making, all of these things. Him being feeble and probably have handlers behind the scenes telling him what to say and what to do. He's like a puppet out there. It's like somebody's got him on some strings, puppeting him in front of the people. And it's sad to watch, but it's also sad for our nation as a whole
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:59


And so we just have to be sober, be vigilant, be mindful, not to take everything at face value because people will be people. So we have to make sure that we don't buy into everything that we see. But this interview and there's lots of other sound bites that she created from this interview, but it was disturbing. The video itself was quite disturbing, I will say. But I guess time will tell. We'll see what's real and what's fake in due time
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:51


Not always, but well, yeah, pretty much for the longest time, she's had short hair. Not as short as it was. I mean, she didn't have it bald short, but she's always had short hair. So it's not like this is a new, new look for her. She's always had short hair. But yeah, the whole flipping out and then him at the red table crying when she was talking about her entanglement
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:03


Hey Javon. I normally don't follow celebrities either, unless it's a headline that really just kind of strikes my attention. And this one did because she made some very disturbing remarks during this interview that makes everything about her and Will so much more confusing. And I guess for some people, maybe they feel betrayed because they look to Will and Jada as this example of a love that can stand the test of time and people that can remain married in the entertainment industry
javon johnson
@motoblanco · 3:17


I'm like, okay, I had an with this because I'm not going to read no book where I'm being lied to. You're not being honest. Kitha yourself. You're not being honest with your audience. I just kind of felt like, nah, man, I don't read those kind of books. But in any case, two of them, god bless, I wish them well and all that stuff. Bye
Oraida Levi
@TalkswithOraida · 4:55
They are a household brand, so they could be together. For business, possibilities are endless. But at the end of the day, you could see the strain and the pain that it causes and the misinformation, because when she came out saying she had that entanglement with that family friend August Alsina, you could see the pain all over Will's face. And yeah, you could see know, she somehow gets a kick talking, dragging Will
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:44


But it does seem like she enjoys seeing his career kind of crumble a bit. Like she was talking about how when he punched out Chris Rock at the Oscars and how he yelled, talking about, leave my wife's name out your effing mouth, that she was talking about in the interview, she was saying that she was surprised that he called her his wife. Okay, but you all are still married. What else would he call you?
javon johnson
@motoblanco · 2:37
And the moral of the story is anytime you go to a wedding and either the bride or groom is coming down that aisle and they're crying, it ain't going to work out. Because if it's not tears of joy, that marriage ain't going to work out. I once went to a wedding where the groom was coming down the aisle and he was in tears. He was crying because he really did not want to get married. And yeah, the marriage didn't work out
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:40


I know, right? It's like watching a bad accident happen. You're just like, I really shouldn't be watching this, but at the same time, I just really can't resist. And that's how it is with her. It's like you really just don't want to hear any more of the of the nonsense, but then something else comes out and you're just like, what now? But yeah, it's one thing after another after another
