Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:22

Rising Daycare Cost Affects Job Economy

So you have few workers and a lot of children in these facilities. Some of these daycares charge more because they provide sick care for children so that parents can still continue to work even though they have a sick child. And then after school programs for those children that are school aged. They're going to school in the daytime, but they still need somewhere safe to go after school lets out until the parents can get off work

#family #money #economy #childcare #children #workforce #inflation

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:49
It's. This is a really good topic, seriously. And so my daughter, my youngest daughter, she went to a daycare to apply, and they told her that they so originally they told her they were going to pay her 1250 or no, 1050. And she was like, why can't work for 1050? She was like, that's not going to do anything for me. I live on my own
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:30


And then these workers, you don't know what type of deviant past they have and now they're responsible for caring for your children all day long. And so, yeah, it can present a lot of challenges. It really can. And your daughter, like you said, working. They're working opposite shifts so that they can accommodate taking care of their child without daycare. A lot of sacrifices
