Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:51

Are We Aware of Our Blindspots?

Hey swell family. I hope you're having a wonderful Thursday so far. So when we talk about blind spots, we mainly think about when we're driving and how the area where our mirrors don't catch on the road is known as a blind spot. It's the area that can't be seen through your rear view mirror or your side mirrors. Now fortunately today we have blind spot

#selfawareness #blindspots #people #life #culture

Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 4:19
And sometimes we judge a book by its cover and not cursing plays a part as well because a lot of times people, when they curse and they get loud and I used to always tell people, just because you're loud don't mean that you're right. And just because you're loud and you're making a scene don't mean that you're the one that's tough. So I definitely get it for me because I don't get that look
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:21


But I know that sometimes it makes people believe that I'm just not taking whatever is being discussed seriously and it's like I am taking it seriously. It's just that I don't know that little laughter sometimes comes through. So it's good to be self aware. It's good to be self aware and yes, the way you speak and I used to go through that a lot in school
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:59


And so that's why I got off the phone, because I didn't want to start yelling. And he'll be like, Well, mom, that's not even what we meant. Okay, well, that's how I took it, and it frustrated me, so I got upset. And so I found that when I do that, it turns out better, right? Because then we're able to get an understanding. And then another blind spot for me is my children
