Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:40

I Lost Another Classmate Today….

And then some, as I was flipping through the pages, I realized they're no longer with us. And some of these people were like, some of my best friends in junior high, well, middle school and high school and now they're no longer here. And sometimes it's hard to believe that they're no longer here. And so it just reminds you, as the scripture tells us in James chapter four that our lives are but a vapor

#life #people #time #mortality

Edward Oribhabor
@Edcellent · 1:45


Hey, Tanya. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's good that you're still in touch with your high school classmates all these years later since you've graduated from high school. For me, I haven't done too good of a job of doing that. Interacting with my high school classmates since graduation. The only time I would do so is in passing. If I were to run into someone at a store or at an event, then I'll chat with them for a few minutes
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:47
God does, but we don't know. It's like when people around you pass away, like they are literally around your age, you do realize the brevity of life. And you realize it could have been me, right? And as we get older, it seems as though there's less people. Yes, people are being born every day, but we come into our lives with our parents and our siblings and aunts and uncles, grandparents, our classmates, our teachers
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 4:26
I remember when I was growing up, someone that was like an uncle to me had said, mo, one day when you get older, you're going to be considered the elder of your time. And you're gonna notice that people are going to start moving on beyond this physical form that we call life. And it's going to hit you, like, wow. You start recognizing your own mortality because the stages of life, you're moving on
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:59


I am definitely no longer a little girl and stepping into that role in our community because I do love and respect the people coming up after me and in their rightful place. But yeah, as you were mentioning, losing people and are we going to get to be elderly? My parents, as you mentioned, but my mom has lost three children. My dad has lost four. Yesterday, in fact, was the anniversary of my oldest brother's passing. And actually, I knew that date stood out
Tiffany Browning
@sparkles · 2:31

I feel you….my class of 95 bestie passed a few months ago

But anyway, it's going to be sad when we have our 30 year class reunion next year and she won't be there and when we start celebrating our 50th birthdays and she won't be there. So I just wanted to express my condolences just because I've been there and it's really sad. It sucks getting old, but it also sucks when you lose people that you grew up with and that you plus two
