Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:44

Taraji Vs. The Color Purple

Now, is this a reflection of Oprah and her production team? Do they need to step up their game or is this the norm for them? Maybe this is how they normally get know? Maybe this wasn't anything out of the ordinary for them. Maybe Oprah felt like, because this is the color purple, that these women would know whatever it took to make this production a success. And so she did not really focus on the smaller things. I don't know

#hollywood #entertainment #colorpurple

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 4:10
There are several people that have said that Oprah is kind of shady in what she does. Now, Oprah is a billionaire, and I understand that you have to manage your own money and you don't want to spend money foolishly. But Oprah also had the backing of whatever company that she was going through or whatever production company that she had, and I'm sure that they were financed in regards to this movie
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:44


So, yeah, I'm just wondering, some of these agents for these actresses are they really going to the table and pounding their fists on their behalf, or are they just kind of taking what's being thrown at, going, we're just going to take what they give you because you want to further your career, you want to build your resume, you want to win awards, you want to leave a legacy. So we're just going to take what they give
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:55


You know what, sis? That is a very valid point. Are her agents doing their due diligence and negotiating for her? Rock solid? Are they doing what they need to do? Because if the agents feel like they don't have the power, then get somebody in there that feels like they can do anything
Steven Jones
@Col.Major · 4:32
And what black women of color has to understand that the Oscar for them are more of a curse than a blessing because most women of color who have won oscars don't get a lot of leading roles anymore because Hollywood know that they have to pay them according to that status, that level that they own. That's Hollywood. Oprah Winfrey is not know. I've heard people talk about that. Tyler Perry works them hard but don't pay a lot of money either
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:44
Hey, Tanya. So I think there's a couple of things going on. I think it's the Taraji issue and there's the Oprah issue, how Oprah does business. So if we start with Oprah and brother Al Cosby actually did a swell on this, I believe, on Friday, where he says, taraji is saying what Monique has been saying. Monique put Oprah, and I believe Lee Daniels and Tyler Perry on Blast
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:50


And so, yeah, that's something she should be mindful of, especially if she's talking about low pay and difficulty getting coles and things like that. If it was already like that, then speaking out against the woman that gave you this opportunity is not really the way to go as far as advancing your career is concerned. And so it's unfortunate. I mean, we're not saying that the stuff that she's asserting is not true. I mean, it very well all be true
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:41


At the same time, I don't know if she would have spoken out like this had it been like a Quentin Tarantino film or a Steven Spielberg's film. Would she have spoken out with such boldness? And I'm willing to say no. I don't think that she would have spoken out like this if it was a non black product action company. But thank you so much for your response. It was great
