Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 4:49

The Magic Of Thinking Big By David Schwartz

Successful peoples are just ordinary people who have developed a belief in themselves and what they do. So never short yourself. The third is believe big. The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief. If you want to think of great idea or ways of doing things, you first have to believe it's possible. If you don't believe that you can be successful, it is unlikely you will think of all the ways to achieving success. Think little goals and accept little achievements

#$ #booksbyabhay$_ #

Avneet .
@avneet_ · 0:28
Hi everybody. Thanks for recommending it and I have read it and I think it's a really good read. I forgot it about it until now and of course I was very drawn to the title the Magic of Thinking Big. And it really do wonders if you get it in the right sense and do put all your hard work into it, love just and become secondary rethink. So again, really, thanks for sharing this
