Mahima Pande
@MPande · 1:05

#TellYourStory | What helps me get through troubled times...

Gratitude. That's what helps me get through troubled times. Because I realize that I have known, I have experienced, I have lived something better. I have known what being untroubled is. Whatever is bothering me or whatever is troubling me. There have been times when that hasn't existed, that hasn't been present in my life. So I have been unbothered, untroubled, free, happy, carefree. So that is a lot to be thankful for

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp2 @dbpardes

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:15


Mahima. That was beautiful. What a great reflection. And it's a good reminder. It seems so simple and beautiful, but it's hard to conjure. And you just really created a good, simple path for that. I really appreciate it
