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Noach Phillips
@nphillips · 0:49

Jewish Farms: Fertile Soil!

Hi, everybody. My name is Noah Phillips. I work for Moment and I wanted to announce that we are going to be starting a new farm project about Jewish farms in in, in in the past, present and future. Joined by a couple of friends who are Jewish farmers. And we're going to talk about Jewish farms in the lead up to a couple of stories that we're going to release around Tuba Spot in mid January, where we're going to publish some articles

Part of Moment’s upcoming series of articles abt all things Jewish farming in the past, present, and future

danielle gartenberg
@dpgartenberg · 0:31

Jewish farming :)

Hello, everybody at the Swell Family. My name is Danielle Gartenberg. I use any pronouns, and I am a recent alum of the Urban Automa Fellowship, and now I am currently living the farm as a resident, and I am super excited to continue the conversation about Jewish farming, and I'm excited to share about some of my experiences. Yeah
Lucy Singer
@Lulu.jayne · 0:26

Jewish Farming Intro

Hi, everyone. This is Lucy Singer. I just finished the Urban Atomov Fellowship. And now I'm living here doing the residency. And I'm excited to talk, talk about Jewish farming and get into the Schmitty year, because that's where we are, and that's pretty dope it's
Noach Phillips
@nphillips · 0:18

What is the Urban Adamah fellowship??

Danny and Lucy, welcome to you both to Swell and to the Jewish Farms. Swell Cast. You both mentioned the Urban Idaho Fellowship. What is that? And also Lucy, what is Schmidt? Anyway, I'm writing an article about Shmita, but I still don't know
danielle gartenberg
@dpgartenberg · 1:41

Urban adamah farm

Nonviolent communication training is also a big component of the fellowship, and everything we do on the Fellowship relates to the Urban Automas, the four pillars of its mission statement, which are sustainable agriculture, mindfulness, social action and Jewish practice. Another big component of the Urban Automa Fellowship is thinking about what it means to be an Earth based Jew. How can we think about what it means to be a Jew on land today as that relates to Indigenous sovereignty and land sovereignty
Lucy Singer
@Lulu.jayne · 2:25
And then with the social action component, which I'm also very passionate about, it was just kind of like the perfect fit, and it ended up being amazing and exceeded all of my expectations
Noach Phillips
@nphillips · 1:30

A blessing for compost?

Okay, Danny and Lucy and anyone else who is listening. I have a Jewish farming question for you. Yesterday, I was working on the compost here on the farm that I live in. We have a big compost pile, and we were putting on a new layer of Greens and a new layer of Browns. And the Browns were some chicken muckings, some straw that chickens had been doing their business in, and it had rained in the wheelbarrow that the muggings have been stored in
danielle gartenberg
@dpgartenberg · 0:43

Compost blessings!

No, what a great question. So a couple of things are coming to mind for me. One is that there is a blessing for something that is ugly. And the blessing is sort of of like, thank you, God, for making things as they are, which I Super love. And there is also a blessing, you see, for thanking God for all of its creations. And I'm wondering if I about a blessing for the compost
Ruth Steinberg
@gardening · 0:02
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ruth Steinberg
@gardening · 0:39
Hello, everybody. I'm just getting the hang of the still of the swell and how to record my message. But this sounds so amazing. That Adam my fellowship. I'd love to find out a little bit more about it, if it's offered to everybody and how we go about about finding out about it. I'm teaching an environmental Jewish education block to some elementary kids coming up soon. And I teach children gardening. So I really want to learn from you
