Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 3:22

What Generation Are You?

Why do I want to accumulate a lot of money, aside from financial security and all that other stuff? But it's not just there when we talk about, all right, what's our ideal amount of money? It's never, I just want enough amount of money to have a decent place to live and be able to take care of me and my family for x amount of years. It's like, no, I want generational wealth
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:15
This is a very interesting swell. I like it. This is interesting. I'm Generation X. So we're the MTV generation. We're the latchkey kids. We are the lost generation. So I think it will point to MTV because everything started popping on the scene with MTV. Not that there wasn't music before, but music and video. I mean, I guess it started with us, right?
Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:23
Whether it was like the gun violence that was portrayed on the show, or the themes about sex and identity, people started asking different questions. I feel like in the mid 90s, early 2000s, people started thinking about things in a different way. I think it came with the rapid evolution of technology. But to think about my own childhood and the cut off between having a phone and having a computer and not having those things
Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 0:59


And it's funny because even though I kind of, I'm an older millennial, and I guess you'd be on the younger millennial side, I definitely connected with a lot of it, yeah. But it definitely kind of speaks to, I guess, different points, because even though we're both on the millennial spectrum, which is why. This is why I posed the question
@homosanity · 1:40
So we had to figure out life that way. Gen X goes all the way up to 1980 and then Gen Z starts from 1981 on. So if you were born in the 80s you are Gen X. If you were born in 1981 you were Gen Z. That is how that works. I think that's kind of funny. I think culturally speaking from 80 to 81 there's probably not much difference in effect but they have to make that kind of distinction
Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 1:35


Like, people that were born around 76, 77, and a little bit before that. Like, all those kids who played Atari and Nintendo, that's for them. For me, I'm beginning to see that I am the Genesis Super Nintendo all the way up to n 64 generation. If we're talking gaming consoles, Xbox as well
@homosanity · 1:12


I remember calling up, you'd have this phone number you would call in order to get cheat codes. It was really something. And I never got into the GameCube, never really got into the Xbox. The next thing I got into was the PlayStations and now the Nintendo Switch and games on my phone. So that's where I'm at. And some pc games. All right, thanks for sharing
