Mitakshara Shirgaonkar
@Mitakshara · 1:44

#MyProfile | Mitakshara Shirgaonkar

Every time, my work gives me an opportunity to interact with different people, understand their stories and gain fresh perspectives which help me grow further as an individual myself. Besides work, I am fond of cats, new recipes, nature and occasionally like to create new instrumental tunes or get engrossed in some sort of art. Well, that is all about me in a nutshell

#FirstSwell Professional Growth Coach - Enabling Transformation through #Tarot, #NLP and Management Concepts

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:38

So do give that swell a listen, and if you like it, do drop a reply on it, because, you know, by listening to other people's swells and replying on the swells that you lake, you can actually connect with people on this platform and start your own Swell casting journey. And I'm basically here to help you with the first step of it. So, yeah, do check it out. And welcome on Swell once again
Mitakshara Shirgaonkar
@Mitakshara · 0:17


Hey, Aishani. Thank you so much for this. I just went to that Spellcast, and I have also replied to Nikita. Thank you so much for connecting this. I hope I get more views on my listeners, on my cast as well. Thank you so much
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 0:51
Hi Mitakshara. Welcome to swell. I look forward to your swellcast and all those interesting insights and perspectives that you have to share with us from the world of Tarot, NLP and management philosophies. I for 01:00 a.m. Really interested in understanding how our spiritual journeys can sort of align with our corporate journeys as leaders and even as we tread on the path to growth in terms of career growth, how we can integrate these philosophies and look at an all round holistic sort of an approach
Mitakshara Shirgaonkar
@Mitakshara · 0:50


Hey, Srija, thank you so much for your voice note. And I'm also excited to start my journey on Swell and continue posting some audio bytes. And absolutely, what you said about integrating different aspects in our lives, that's very much possible. In fact, we see that there are concepts of philosophy which are being used in the management world, especially the Bhagavad Gita and all our ancient Hindu scriptures and all
