Mitakshara Shirgaonkar
@Mitakshara · 4:52


Halle was overjoyed to learn that the tales of a flavourful art had reached the emperor and now he had chosen her to be the head chef at the Imperial palace. A carriage was waiting to take her to the grand destination. She instantly got ready to leave for the castle. It was now the time for Ali to move away from home and her dear ones. But she was on her journey to make it huge in life

When something ends, a NEW thing is waiting to enter your LIFE! #Transformation #Tarot

Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 2:13
It's just that we doubt the universe. And of course, there are highs and lows always, but with perseverance and resilience, we learn to overcome that. But I think the larger fact is, the bigger truth is that one must learn to trust, right? The universe and its power to give us the best, to give us what we want or what we really need more than what we want
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 2:01
These are the questions that continuously bug us, and we try to make sense of the life as we go by. So, yes, that is true. And sometimes I think instead of pondering and instead of being dreadful of the future, it's important to focus on what we do in the present
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 2:58

#authorspeak #LetsTalk

But again, she is also ambitious at the back of her mind without understanding that in order to be ambitious, in order to be bigger than what you are today, you need to expand and stretch yourself, go beyond where we are sitting right now. And in order to be able to do that, you need to let go of what you have right now
Mitakshara Shirgaonkar
@Mitakshara · 0:27


Hi Himanshi. Thank you so much for your voice note and your appreciation. These will be the type of stories that I would want to put in. Of course, it takes some time to record the video, the audio and the music and all. I'm not that tech savvy yet. Maybe I'll get better in time. It was my first attempt to create such kind of thing. But thank you. I will continue to put such more. Bye bye. Good evening
