Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 0:58

A Chat with Sonia Chauhan an author and a practicing lawyer

Hello everyone. This is mira gopalakrishnan and once again I welcome you all to my swell cast. This week I am back with an author in my swell cast and she is miss sonia chauhan. She is a practicing lawyer as well as an author. She loves to explore layered stories. Maybe because she is a lawyer, let us know it from herself what makes her journey special

#interview with Sonia Chauhan #stories #writersofswell #author #experience #psychology #InterviewAFriend

Sonia Chauhan
@soniachauhn · 3:36
So how it all began was I started having some mental health issues and I fell into a sort of a limbo in my early 20s where I really couldn't figured out what life was about. And eventually it came to a point where I had to quit my job and move back home. And I had a lot of time on my hands and I was very disillusioned with everything. So that is when writing somehow came to me. And there was this website back then in 2013 called kora
Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 4:23


Wow, that's a very encouraging journey, I would say. And sonia, I can very well relate to your journey because I have also undertaken a similar journey. Maybe not like I won't say I was depressed or dissolutioned, but yes, I was facing some issues in life irrelevant perspective of having a successful corporate career. And writing came to me also because I want to vent out my feelings. And it happened by chance. Like I love to review things
Sonia Chauhan
@soniachauhn · 4:45
So I think my entire motivation of writing is not just to tell about an incident or an event, but to really zoom out and look at why that incident happened in the first place. What is the past and the present of a disaster or a crisis or something wonderful? So that is why I choose to write layered stories. Because for me, the why of a story is very important, almost as important as what is happening. Because ultimately life is all about acceptance
Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 1:35
In the second answer. I love the point you made that what motivates a person to be the way he or she is. In court, a judge pronounces the verdict after listening to both sets of lawyers. But in life, we pass judgments looking from one angle, an angle of what we have seen or what we have heard, without evaluating the situation. So, yes, no story is single air and life is not at all in black and white. It is gray
Sonia Chauhan
@soniachauhn · 3:27
So that's a great facility that Amazon is giving you if you don't want to go through a self publishing or through a publisher, whatever route. If you don't want to choose that, you can just simply add a click, publish a book and make it available as a kindle ebook on Amazon. So I think it's really good for new writers. And I wrote this maze of mirrors
Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 1:32


So yeah, great thing to know and to know that such awards exist and such newcomers can explore such avenues to express themselves. A great thing in it. Now, coming to the last question of our interview. See, you prefer to write the slayer stories and also like the book I have read. It's mostly of a self discovery journey. And so there will be people who want to explore this generation write stories about self discovery of their protagonist
Sonia Chauhan
@soniachauhn · 3:58
If there are writers out there who are interested in writing such stories, I would say, and this tip will apply to every writer who wants to write about anything. Read a lot. Because I have been reading since I was ten years old and back then I read some books that I did not even understand. And now when I look back, I'm like, okay, I've read that book, but I don't understand what happened
Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 3:37


So these days I am exploring Indian authors and I have come across many, many books. My instagram have book reviews. whichever book I read, I like. I put the review on my Instagram account so you can check those out. Not just you, but me, my listeners. Also, some book which I extremely like. I put it as an audio review in my service. wellcast, also, that's it. And my listeners, you might have listened to her tips
Sagaya Raj
@sagimuk031 · 0:17
Hello, Miram. Thank you so much for introducing to us very famous writer, Sonia Chauhan and we'd like to follow her inspiring speech. Thank you
Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 0:16


I'm so happy you look you like the interview? Look forward to more interviews with authors. I'll be bringing one every week. Thank you
