Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 1:35

A Chat with Ajaybabu Anilbabu an engineer and author who loves mythology and history

Hello everyone. This is meera. Gopalakrishnan. And once again I welcome you all back to my swellcast. Today I have with me as my esteemed guest mr. Ajay Babu Anil Babu, who is a young engineer from TKM College of Engineering. Kolam. A college to which I also belong. In fact I am also alumni of that college. So I feel a special connection to this author. And I am very glad that he has accepted my request to be on my swellcast and coming to the author

Interview Ajaybabu Anilbabu #interview #author #mythology #history #inspiring #book

Ajay Anilbabu
@author.ajay · 0:33
Same to you. And thank you for giving this opportunity. For interviewing me, being a self published and a small author. Thank you for giving this opportunity. So let me introduce myself. I am Ajay and I am a TKM Alumini and working now in datalexia as an engineer. And I am the author of the queue Enough Times the Inception, which was released last year
Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 0:32


Thank you, Ajay, for that lovely introduction. And I am happy that you have published the second version of your trilogy and happy to know that both the books are receiving good response. Now, coming to our second question. You told that you have interest in mythology and the lifestyles of earlier generations, I mean, history. So can you is elaborate on how such an interest aroused in you at a very young age
Ajay Anilbabu
@author.ajay · 1:52
Yeah. So from my childhood, like, I used to love watching periodic dramas and like mythological serials. So there were many serials in our televisions about mythology, about Hindu mythological characters, gods like Shiva, Vishnu, etc. And also I love watching historical movies also. And like so, like, it was Magadira, a Telugu film by Rajmauri which was my foremost movie with an historical background. And like, I doubt that movie very much
Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 1:54


And it's a trilogy coming up. We have read the first part and it was a very interesting way of taking it. And I simply adore the platonic friendship you have created between the lead characters. Usually we always move into romance. We don't explore friendship. But this book has explored that beautiful aspect of love because friendship is also one form of love. And now let us hear from you. What is your vision on this triology?
Ajay Anilbabu
@author.ajay · 5:00
So like the racism sultana story can't be said in one single novel. So that's how a standalone novel which was planned turned to be a trilogy. And also I put this in a fictional land called Ganva. So that is a more bigger aim or an ambitious project for me. This is something which I wanted to develop as more franchise or more set of stories placed in that fictional land so it can be developed into a series
Ajay Anilbabu
@author.ajay · 0:38
The Ganva is basically based on like there are many legends of manu and there is a lost contingent called Kumari Kandam in Indian Ocean. There is a myth or there is a story like that. So the concept of Gandhi is based on that story. And I wanted to develop if this tune of times becomes a success or if my readers love this this novel, I am planning to develop this story into a bigger plot set up in the fictional Ganva continent
Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 1:52


And definitely, I'm sure you will have a vivid imagination and you will create something more beautiful. And now, coming to the last question of this interview. You are among those engineers who have turned authors and their number is growing day by day. If you look now in the author world, there are many, many engineers. So what is your art on the current education system? Do you feel we need to integrate art and science?
Ajay Anilbabu
@author.ajay · 3:40
They should try to understand their skills and that is how only we can improve this education system and our society also so we can find more talents. Like the primary key to success is identifying one's talent. Like every individual will be having some or the other kind of talent, a distinct skill they will be having. And if we develop that skill only that can lead to a successful person or someone
Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 2:16


Like, if you say, we ourselves know that many of the engineers have moved away from their core field, core studies to do something else. Yes, they have contributed to the society in their own way, but not the subject they studied. So the whole point is a system is designed to create jobs, and that is certain set of jobs. And everybody who pursues that direction at some point of time decide that, no, I want to do something else
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:49
So thank you so much for this wonderful interview or chat that you had with each other and it gave a lot of insights and it was really very meaningful. So thank you so much
