Michelle Murad
@MichelleMurad · 0:34

When I want to get away from it all, I do this...

You. When I want to get away from all of this, I go to the bathroom, I pop my airpods in, and I play the most ridiculous music ever. Like heavy metal, rock, hip hop. Not that hip hop is ridiculous, but the heavy metal, for me is kind of ridiculous. And just like, drop it to the floor and then I shake it out

#sdp24Mar10 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @rocio

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:32
Yes. 100% yes. I do this, too. I play, like, songs that I loved when I was a teenager, when I felt, like, just so intense and so, like, oh, yeah. I don't know when I want to feel, like, totally free and shameless. I think I've been hearing a lot of responses to this prompt, and they all involve, to a degree, like, getting out of your head and back into the body
