Rauscher Mike
@MichaelRauscher · 0:47

#MyProfile | Rauscher Mike

You. Hi. My name is Michael Rauscher. I'm the host of Judgment Free Zone, a podcast that you can find on any of your favorite stations, such as iHeartRadio, Apple, Podcasts, Spotify and many more. I have a website, JfZ four one One, where you can also listen to my content and read my blog post. Look forward to sharing these things with people stories of guests and myself who have had tragedy and turn that tragedy into triumph


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:30

#love #compassion #kindness

What's up, Mike? This sounds like an amazing little podcast you have going. It'd be really awesome to see, you know, micro interviews here. But ultimately, I'm sure that you wouldn't want to dilute the content. But I'm sure that you're going to continue to flourish because it sounds like a really relatable podcast style. And I'm looking forward to seeing how you transform some of the content to fit this more short form app like Swell
