Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 4:44

My Quarter-Life Crisis Story

I graduated Marley, graduated highest honors, very high GPA, great student, yet I wasn't taking the path that was expected of me. And it was extremely liberating. To be able to just go live life for a while was so liberating. And when I realized that I didn't have that perfect ten year plan and that it wasn't the plan I wanted for myself, then actually anything and everything became possible. Like, with no plan, it was all possible. Could do anything

#quarterlifecrisis #followyourheart #quarterlifecalling #purpose #success #livelife

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:37
And hopefully sharing your story a little bit can allow people to listen in a little bit more to what you have to say, because you've walked through the fire and you've come out with change perspective. And that's something that can be very valuable to people who just realized that there's a fire even happening. So thanks for sharing. Bye
Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 1:36


Yeah, thank you for this response. And I just want to reiterate that one point you made of anxiety comes from people not living life in alignment. I 100% agree with this. Like, without a doubt, out every part of my being. Yes, I believe there are chemical imbalances for some, but I think for many, it's just so normalized that I have anxiety, like whatever percentage of America does. So I'm going to go get on meds
