Julie D
@Mara · 0:49

#Poetry | Lines from a poem that I can never forget...

From the shadows shall spring, renewed shall be blade that was broken, and the crownless again shall be king. And that line, not all those who wander are lost has just always stuck with me. I know it's one that everybody, like, gets tattooed, all of that, but it really is one of my favorite lines

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb9 @arish

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:31
Yeah. I mean, those lines stick around because they're good. There's something that. There's some sort of quality that reaches us in the heart. So. Yeah. I've never actually read Lord of the Rings, but that's so beautiful and I really love it, and there is something quite unforgettable about it, so. Yeah. Thank you for sharing. I also didn't know that it came from a poem
