Manalika Das
@Manalika · 4:50

Do you judge based on the first impression?

But I should not completely judge a person's potential based on their looks, right? So I'm going to ask you guys this particular question. Do you judge someone based on their looks, based on how dressed they are, like based on the dress they are wearing, based on their personality? Not personality, based on their looks, based on how they are groomed and stuff like that? Do you guys judge them on the basis of these parameters?

#sayitonswell #whatsyourpov

Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 3:17

Dress balance

Yes, corporate world is filled with instances where people who have traditionally been Chevy dressed have turned out to be very smart people and there have been instances where people survively dressed have basically been bozos. But there swell always be exceptions. By and large it also dressing well translates respect that you're respecting the occasion, the person that you're meeting and so on and so forth
