Manalika Das
@Manalika · 2:39

The beauty of colors🌈

Hey everyone. So today I didn't have anything prominent to talk about and decided to go through the internet for some inspiration. Then suddenly I saw a beautiful picture of a rainbow and realized that, yes, today I'm going to talk about colors. I mean, I don't think we appreciate the existence of colors as much as they deserve. Even though we state that Blacks and whites are classy, we know that the other colors are equally important and charismatic for us

#sayitonswell #colors

amit bhatt
@techstories · 1:13
Yeah, I like the beauty of the colors. You started with the television black and white, although it gives you the Gray shade. Then you move to restaurants where you talk about the colors of food industry or food brands by using or red or blue, like PEZA or Domino's. Similar. Then you move to human beings. That's how they wear the colors for their persona, improvement and all. Yes, these three primary colors, RGB, play a major role in life
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:41


We're then suddenly if we talk about this particular topic, then we realized that, oh, yeah, these are so important and prominent in our life. But we didn't actually realize this stuff before
Vartika Vermaa
@Vartika_Verma · 0:22
Hey, you know, you're really right. Like, we really don't appreciate the colors. Like they should be, you know, only colorblind people know the importance of, you know, seeing colors, appreciating them. Well, my favorite color is Royal and white
Shivani Balyan
@shiv_ani.balyan · 0:53

Black ,yellow and blue😀

So my favourite colors black, yellow and blue for some reason. First black color is glass look no doubt and almost everyone's favourite colors. Second yellow, according to me yellow is brightness on your face and cuteness as well as I don't know if you noticed or not. And I share one incident. In the school there is a houses and houses uniform. I don't know the names of houses but I want my house uniform dress Das yellow and I got it. Third, but blue color
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:21


Exactly. You know, I think about those people who have a sort of colorblindness and they art not able to, you know, Bhatt something as it should be. So how difficult it will be for them. Plus, I also saw some of the pictures, like how animals see the whole world, like they cannot see some particular color. So now I'm grateful that I can see colors
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:19


Yes, absolutely. All these colors are, like, amazing. First of all, black, which is always classy. And then there's yellow. You can even see a person wearing a yellow top or a yellow object from very far away as it's so bright and it's so peppy. And then blue, the royalty color. We all love blue, I guess, in some way or the other
