Ginger Rogers
@MamaNikyaw · 4:59

A Person I Regret Not Thanking at the Time

You know, I should have gone to his birthday, and that was my last opportunity. And I failed him because I went to this volleyball game. I carried a lot of sorrow. And one night I was going to sleep. I remember I was laying on my belly and it was like I had drifted off to sleep. And I was sort of, you know, watching. And he had come into my room and I was just. It was incredible. We were communicating

#dailyswell #plottwist #tobecontinued

Ginger Rogers
@MamaNikyaw · 4:59


But anyhow, as he was saying all these names, like, I'm hearing my grandfather, I'm hearing my uncles, I'm hearing these names that I recognized, that I knew from my mother, but I wasn't able to meet any of them. There just was a lot of loss, you know, is a lot of loss. And so then when he said, cookie, I thought, oh, my gosh, like, never go to sleep hungry again. Darn it
