Deepak Mahaan
@MahaanMusings · 4:37


Though I have played first class cricket, yet I must admit that there's nothing greater than watching a World Cup football match. Imagine players like Christiano Ronaldo, Lionel Macy harry Kane Neymar Mabape, Robert Lewandeski, Thomas Muller kareem Benzema playing before you. Swell be the thrills spills heartaches, heart attacks. Plenty of joy, plenty of sorrow. But all in all, football is in a way a complete team game

#Qatar #FIFA #World Cup Football #Ronaldo #Messi #Pele #Platini #Cruyff #Brazil #France #England

Aayan B
@aayanisms · 4:49


But if maybe one or two players make it right to the top, get some big contracts, it will set the cat amongst the pigeons and you will see a huge fan following, which already is like a dormant fan following. I don't know why this captive market of a billion plus people is not tapped for football as much. And so I look forward to this edition of the World Cup and you touched upon a sensitive, intelligent matter of the sport being held in Qatar
