Samrat Raj
@Lucky3876 · 5:00

Happiness is a choice!

hey guys, whats up good morning good after noon good evening depending on your time zone there is my first post and i don⁇tknowwhat to talk about so lets talk about life in general or happines to be specific i believe happiness is a state of mind and its a choice so you can use to be happy at any given moment what is it take nothing much you just need to appreciate what you have and self viningabout what you dont have you know the other day i went to a juice shop and i ordered sweet lime juice because i love that is what of vitamins and its good for remind system the guy who was making the jose he had no left ham and be on es ist so i in dvidently looked at my lift and vigil y finger som and just felt glad just felt thankful i felt happy trust me ven i see this whatever s going on in your life right now your disappoint your field right you re expectations in meet your sad whatever there are millions out there the are literally millions out there who dream of having a life like you so if that doesnt make you happy i don⁇tknowwhatwell just s lite change in perspective just a dad shift in your perspective the whole life around you changes you re began seeing things from from a new vantage point from ma new perspective and its all different so just bring that change it bring more positivity into the old try thinking about your life from another person s perspective someone who s les on lets fortunate then you right because if you keep comparing yourself to someone who s more successful, good and good by the societe standers ofcouse you always be disappointed don⁇t do that success is very subjective right you set a goal you achieved successful for example, if i said a goal that i have to walk a kilometer today i did that i am successful that said that s all it takes be successful now some people have you huge cools some people have impractical goals they keep chasing at entildedythatwe there never successful and there always disappointed sodon⁇t do that its okay to a emissions its okay to have dreams ams and gold and live let s okay to fail also now its okay to the baby steps its okay to just keep moving forward once a time setting micro goals you know small small fragments of ferim so that when you achieve them, you are already successful not some positivity from my site to the world even if n bit is listing to ad who case happen is is a choice and you can use to be happy right now and dressed me its not on others it s no body else is responsible to make your happy responsibility to make you happy on sony its only you can your self out of engityshadness are even depression no can trust me no mounts of meds there do that so be happy you can i know you can।

#mentalhealth #happiness #behappy

Divya Bhatia
@Anastasia_9 · 1:13


hey samrat so i would say that happens is actually a r choice and if we used to be happy, we will be happy and i ve used to be sad we are definitely going to be sad and i just love your swell and you said that it was you for swell say that it was just som it so good that i was like your site was actually very good happens the stored you told about this happens in u see a person lacking something you see yourself having that thing and you feel like you so at that point thank god thank you god for giving me these thing you god actually you sold tang gord at every point in your life and tanking god is so good i say you should all west tan god tang god so your side was just very good so thank you wating the sell making a s realize how happen is a choice and we should always chose to be happy we should always choose the right at your s was just very great।
Samrat Raj
@Lucky3876 · 2:10


hey divia hope you doing well i just lesson to your reply and i was kind of surprised like i said i new to this platform and i dont know much about its a lite them so i didnt really think any one what lesson to me sons do not follow a lot of people and i didnt tag any one i don t know if i can do that her, but it was nice to hear from you and thank you so much for your words of appreciation and i agree with you accept all just change just one point of ice for some of us eth hist or agnostic people there is no god so we gain of just think we gain or greatful to just the statistics in probabilities the random nus of the universe you know and how it functions so i am read full what i have and i completely understand you a perspective i respect you a perspective and a lot of people in fact, most the people out there who believe in a god whatever they have and i respect them i respect the views but just some of i did not share that ideology so for us its just starts and trop just randiminus of the universe that said otherwise, the concept is still the same appreciate what we have and will find happiness so thank you once again for lisening to my post myswelandreplying to it।
