latoya barze
@Lovepebbles · 2:35

Motivational Quotes

Good evening. Good evening. You know who it is. This is lovepebbles. This is straight from the heart. And today it's Motivational Mondays. I was wishing I could get on earlier, but I got busy with title, with meetings at work. But I wanted to share this quote that I have in my house. I have a lot of different quotes in my house in several rooms

#motivation #brave #fearless #strong #smart

iLLove Life
@iLLoveLife · 1:18
Your whole message stayed just now, but what kept with me and stayed with me is that the Lord will seek it through. And my shoulder, just life, it went down. So now I think I can get a few hours of sleep. So thank you so much. Very inspired. I admire your courage of sharing those kind words for us out there. Keep up the great work and I hope that the Lord will seek through everything that you wear
Lewie B
@lewieB · 0:51


I would probably see them as appearing brave for walking through whatever obstacle, situation or event that they're trying to get through. And I would also probably tell them that they are smarter than they think. Because I do feel like remembering that whatever is presented in front of us, we can overcome and we can learn from. And I feel like that's just a part of life. And so, yeah, thanks so much for saying
latoya barze
@Lovepebbles · 0:56


However, we can do anything and all things that we put our mind to. I truly believe that wholeheartedly. So continue being inspiring and sharing and uplifting others, and that same energy comes back to you. You have a beautiful day. Be blessed
latoya barze
@Lovepebbles · 0:57


It's. Oh, that is such a blessing. I'm glad you enjoyed the quote. And the Lord will see you through in everything and all that you do. And that's biblical. Understand? Isaiah 50 811 says, and the Lord shall guide thee continually and satisfy thy soul in drought, so that's whatever you're going through, he will be there to satisfy you
