Love LadyO 💋
@loveladyo · 5:00

Everyone Hates A Alpha Female (I’m the problem and the solution)

And I am very reluctant to fall back because of my experiences. So if you're going to step to me, you got to come correct. They don't come at all. Being an alpha female isn't bad. I feel like there should be more women who know how to take care of, who know how to get themselves out of situations, who don't feel that they have to lean so hard on someone else to save them

#strong #women #alpha #female #bitch

Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:27
I think that's more of the fact that you probably can struggle with your femininity and therefore you are more comfortable doubling down on your masculine traits, which is interesting in a regard. And I kind of would wonder, like, what was your childhood like?
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:51

Part 1

This space is actually more authentic for me to sit back and allow someone else to completely take control when I spend time with my lover. I heard you were saying that you were in a relationship, but you still have moments where you're like, let me see, let me have some level of control over the situation
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:39

Part 2

And I was like, Listen, it's a long story. I might have to charge you for it, but it's a much better space. And I'm not saying I still don't have some alpha qualities. I just no longer feel the need to describe myself as an alpha female because I really enjoy the aspect of being taken care of. I realize I've likely always enjoyed the aspect of being taken care of, considered, cared for, provided for, et cetera
Adilma Spalding
@Msspaldingfab · 4:33


And then your alpha kicked in. When I got to tell you that vulnerability and femininity is everything but weak. It's how a woman is structured. We're emotional. We feel that's what we're supposed to do. That's our makeup. As much as the feminist movement dictated to us as women, that you don't need a man, you can do it yourself, you can do this, you can do that. Yeah, we can do all those things
Adilma Spalding
@Msspaldingfab · 4:44


It's exhausting, and you'll push things away because you're constantly trying to keep up that masculine energy. A lot of women and I'm talking to myself because I've been in my masculine energy most of my life as a single mother. And it's now that I'm in my 50s that I'm realizing that it's exhausting. It really is. It's not my job to encourage or when I'm looking for a partner, to push him into his masculine energy
Adilma Spalding
@Msspaldingfab · 4:43


I'm a woman, I want to be soft. I need to be soft at times. I want to be cherished. I want a man to open a door for me. I want him to help me when I need help. I no longer want to be a superwoman because it is exhausting for me. It is. Anyway, I do want to show vulnerability, right? But vulnerable vulnerability with me creating my boundaries. Because, again, this is me
Adilma Spalding
@Msspaldingfab · 4:23


And I think the definition of what a strong or an alpha female woman varies. Everybody has a different meaning of it. I know for me, personally, masculine energy all the time is exhausting. And I am going through a healing process and getting help and being mentored to allow myself to relax and enjoy and allow a man to do what he likes to do. Men love to take, they love to provide, they love to take care. They love that
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 0:39
As long as nobody's going to take advantage of that, that's all that pretty much is. So again, it's very good. And just keep up the good work, stay blessed and stay inspired
