Love LadyO 💋
@loveladyo · 5:00

TAKE WHAT YOU NEED (Emotional Intelligence)

You really have to learn when the right time is. And especially today, more and more people are suffering in silence. They don't have the ability to just kind of say what it is that they feel they need to say. And so what happens is they become almost this thing that gets beat up and we don't know we're beating it up. You're my friend, right? I could tell you that that shouldn't hurt your feelings

#wellness #mentalhealth #helpdonthurt #swell #emotionalintelligence #knowwhentozipit

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:06
And so that's the part that is super important just to make sure that the good intent that one might have in delivering and sharing the information is that the other person, the receiver, is in a space where they have the possibility to perceive it that way
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:59

@loveladyo @GivingVoice

I also want to tag Giving Voice, which is another swell cast I run that's all about language and framing and when to pause and when to speak and just kind of musings about that. And I think we had a conversation there at one point about difficult conversations, and I forget which episode it is, but maybe you'll check it out and see and it will be of interest to you. But thank you so much for bringing this up. It's just awesome
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Love LadyO 💋
@loveladyo · 1:29


Thank you. Thank you so much for your feedback. And I will take a listen to Given voice. You know, these conversations for me, it just really hits home a lot because I've been at the end of that unsolicited advice, and I like to think that I'm built with this armor that I can just defer flex everything and anything that comes my way. Sometimes I can, and then I can't. So the message is really for those who don't have that armor
Love LadyO 💋
@loveladyo · 2:16


When I see that they're at the party and they're not smiling, I want to tap in and find out what's going on with you. I want to make sure you're seen. So I don't think that I was ever oblivious in that way. I hate when people bully people. I hate when people are trying to make you the brunt of the joke and they're thinking that they're being funny, but they're not. They're being hurtful and not helpful
