London Reads
@Londonreads · 4:54


It's hard for you to let go. The magician choir came in reversed, and that speaks on things becoming an illusion, them manipulating you, even your friends, family, just to make you think that they're good for you and so forth. But really, they're not. You know, they know how to perform magic tricks. They know how to get you attached. They know what you like and what you don't like. They know every little thing about you

#narcissist #nineofpentacles #destroy #thedevil #control #themagican #toxic #aceofcups #drained #thetower #divinations #eightofswords #tarotscards

London Reads
@Londonreads · 4:49
I used to work so long ago, this had to be like ten years ago. And we clicked instantly. Felt the chemistry and so forth. We exchanged numbers and we were talking the phone almost every day, every night I felt something for Sam. I had feelings for Sam. And our platonic friendship went for a very long time. I mean, when I say platonic, we never kiss, nothing like that. I think the closest we ever have been was maybe hugging, right?
London Reads
@Londonreads · 4:50
Trust me. Movement has healing. Whether it's dancing, whether it's getting into something that involves movement, definitely has healing. That's one of the things
London Reads
@Londonreads · 0:54
So if I can get out, definitely god could pull you out as well. You guys. Okay. This goes for my fellows as well. I love you all so much, and thank you so much for taking the time to hear my story. Have a great day
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:38
And his kids tried to tell me he had three boys. His kids tried to tell me in different ways, and I refused to hear it. I believed that I was the answer to the cloud that I recognized, the dark cloud that I recognized in this man. I was like, oh, I can just love him enough and make him different, make him better, make him see his worth and his value. And that's not my job
Nick G
@NickGweezy · 4:59
Wants a child, but lives in this micro apartment that's, like, completely sanitized and is apparently on her second BMW this day, the third to fourth, fifth, and it's just not adding up. How do you want a daughter? But she's, like, impressing this thing upon you. I need peace and quiet
London Reads
@Londonreads · 1:05


It sounded like she was trying to buy your love, buy your attention. Some people feel like money is the the thing that can bring down what they're lacking within, which is, to me, is a dangerous place to be in. And money makes them feel good and makes them feel important. Without it, they feel like they're nothing
Nick G
@NickGweezy · 2:38


And frankly, I didn't even think the thing was that nice for $130,000, right, I can't touch the leather. It's inside. Don't touch the vanilla leather. It's sterile inside. But here's what gets me, right. The electronics were not even that nice. She put on her GPS and it looked like an Android from 2003. And I'm like, how do you have this gorgeous car that costs a third of a house?
