Pritha Lal
@lifecoachPritha · 4:32

Two types of people in the world - 5 minutes of Authenticity with Pritha

So if you just bump it to someone on the road or the checkout clerk or a random stranger on the plane, I seem to make a lot of friends with random strangers in airports. But I digress. Their stories are phenomenal. One time I remember I was flying from somewhere, and there was this older gentleman. He would have had to been, yeah, he was in the. We started talking, and he mentioned how he joined a running club when he was 65

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb5 @phil #authenticself #lifecoach

Richard 4170
@Gary44 · 0:44

I just recently caught one of your posts on YouTube, something about you made me stop and listen. I just wanted to say I think you are Awesome!!

Hi. Like I say in my post, I recently just came across you in a random search on YouTube, and I just wanted to let you know I think you're awesome them and thank you. I listen to quite a few of your posts now. Even if they don't apply, I just still listen. You're great. Thank you. Bye
Pritha Lal
@lifecoachPritha · 0:06


That was so incredibly kind, Gary. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Thank you, my friend
