Alicia Young
@LiciaMonai · 4:58

The Struggle - Poem

And normally, normalcy is not a topic of conversation. Though I'm still learning who I am, one thing I will never be known as is normal. Still, I'm finding myself outside of someone else's shadow, speaking and never recognizing my own voice. My words were echoes of past verbal abuse, implanted insecurities and hours of movie lines that seemed more interesting than my own life ever was

#poetry #struggle #identity #mentalillness #loveyourself

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:46
And hopefully this poem resonates with people, because mental health is not just for it's not just a term used regarding people who have an actual diagnosis from a psychologist or psychiatrist. It is also for people who it is just our overall mental health. Sort of like cardiovascular health. When people ask about your cardiovascular health, it's just your overall cardiovascular health, your overall mental health
Alicia Young
@LiciaMonai · 2:49


So I thank you so much for sharing that because a lot of people put us under these umbrellas, under these labels, under all these things, just by the mention of mental health and it's such a dark stigmatism. Stigmatism is not the right word. I'm juggling all over the place, I think just because I'm really just like shook by what you said. It really enlightened me. It really heightened my senses because I was just like that is so good. That is so very true
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 0:24
Beautiful. Beautiful. That was absolutely beautiful. Touch my little heart on this Sunday morning I know you mentioned your book and I wanted to know if you it was available to purchase on Amazon, but beautiful. Thank you
Alicia Young
@LiciaMonai · 0:43


For some reason, you're not able to search it on Amazon, but you can Google it and it will take you to it. I don't know why that's a little weird, but you can get it on either of those platforms. So I thank you so much for your interest and I appreciate you
