Liam A
@LiamOnASoapbox · 4:54

Why is it so hard???

And I'm just perplexed that I'm not even getting any interviews. And as a trans person, I have faced discrimination and prejudice that has really left me perplexed and disheartened. People aren't coming out and saying it's because I'm trans, but the lack of understanding and acceptance within the workplace and outside of the workplace even not only impacts me personally, but highlights the broader issue of inclusivity and diversity in today's job market

#Jobs #Careers #Hiring #HiringManagers #Interviews #Recruiters #Recruiting #Organizations #DEI

Liam A
@LiamOnASoapbox · 4:40


You know, there's a lot of research that has been done on the topic of transgender people and employment. And one of the things that has always been the case is that typically trans people are either underemployed, meaning they're not employed in roles where they can actually get to utilize their skills or are paid adequately enough for the work that they do. So they're underemployed and they can't make ends meet or they're unemployed
Jenny Ward
@Jenny_Ward · 1:47
It sounds like your LinkedIn recommendations are phenomenal. I know you spoke about your very high emotional intelligence, which was evident when you were speaking about what you've been experiencing. And I have no doubt that there is rampant discrimination for multiple groups of people, including trans people, right now. I will also say, as someone who has spent 15 years doing tech recruitment and digital recruitment, I know the market is super weird right now
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Liam A
@LiamOnASoapbox · 4:52


I think another problem is that because of all the layoffs, there are a lot of people that are applying for roles that the company that they're applying to, the hiring manager may consider them to be overqualified and maybe they are, but that's a whole nother conversation I could have. I actually need to do a swellcast on that because it's something I'm very passionate about
@homosanity · 4:47


In both cases, I was terminated when that came out. We are in a climate that is very weird and very hostile to us as LGBT people. And me and my mom were talking about this last night. I don't know if it's where I live at the moment, which is our state, michigan's turned very democratic, thank God, because I worked with a political organization called voters, not politicians, that got our gerrymandering turned around so that it's fair and balanced
