Jynnia Lee
@LeeJynn · 0:59

How I found the Swell app and how I want to use it...

I take up space and I'm valid, I'm worthy and that's perfectly, perfectly normal and good for me to do and I don't have to live in silence and just learning how to speak better for myself and just to find that confidence in myself as well. I often speak a lot in front of others for work, but it's it's not the same as finding your true authentic voice, so I hope to do that with swell. Thank you swell mates for listening

#s21nbpv2p6 #WelcomePrompts #TellYourStory @arish

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:29
Hey, welcome to swell. I love that you're actively, consciously practicing opening your third chuck your throat chakra and being more, you know, aware of what that means and methods to activate it. I think it's amazing that you're here and that you are hitting the ground with so much beautiful intention. I cannot wait to hear more of your stories. I'll have to go check out your swell. It's been a couple days since you posted this, so. Yeah