Laurie McGinley
@lauriemcginley · 1:42

What would you do to feel better?

And this is the core of feeling better. If you feel painted into a corner, like you don't have any choices, like you're trapped, you do have choices. They are there and you'll see them once you change your energy. That is the core of what I do with people. That's why people hire me. I've been obsessed with this for 34 years. I love talking about it

Feeling better is at your fingertips. #change #resolutions #goals #habits

Andrea Learned
@Andrea_Climate · 2:08

Change your energy, change your life. Yes.

So I attest it's extremely powerful. I found it to be so. And it's a fascinating topic to dig into. And I will say that if you are feeling low energy. So, for example, today I'm under the weather. If you're feeling low energy, you can take these cues and things that I've learned to just be like, wait a second. Right? Of course I'm feeling ill, but what else is going on?
Laurie McGinley
@lauriemcginley · 1:10


It. Andrea, thank you for sharing that. And one of the reasons I keep talking about change, and I have been obsessed with change for 34 years, is that deeper I go into this, the better I feel. And I keep wondering, is there a limit to how good I can feel? And at this point, I don't think there is. It just keeps getting better
