LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 5:00

Spiritual Enlightenment

So I started to become closer to my spirituality and wanting to know my ancestors, looking at their death certificates and what they may have perished from and any information that I could find. So at that point, during that time, there was a spiritual awakening for me to realize that there's things that's for you in life and there are some things that aren't for you, and you must put your greater good first

#spiritual #spirituality #spiritguides #ancestors #guardianangels

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:53
It helped him to understand how severe his burns were and why and how he died. And my father was not big on ghost story conversations and things of that nature. So I knew in his passing, because he was not a fan of that, that I would not have any afterlife encounters with him. And he would always say that when he was alive, but let me tell you, when I am gone, I am gone. So I remember that completely. So he passed
LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 1:33


Hi and thank you for responding and thank you for sharing your story. I truly do appreciate that, you know, as I, you know, get deeper into my spirituality, I do realize that, you know, that is something that is very possible. And I will definitely go and listen to your message, your post rather. But I can't say that I can relate to your situation or the fact of me getting any type of signs like that me
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Adam E.L. Anthony
@onwardandupward · 3:07


And I remember this question that a cousin who unfortunately I'm no longer connected with asked me and it was early on in our connection when I was going through my adoption journey and she asked are you okay with having connections with me and other family members? Even if you can't have one with your biological father and he does not want one and ignores you or abandons you or dismisses you, whatever it is. And at first when I answered that question I was like yes
