Ana Cristina
@lamepanda89 · 2:52

What does your coffee taste like?

And I like my coffee iced in the morning when it is summertime. Ana, I don't really like black coffee. It's too bitter for me. I'm a sweet girl. So, yes, I like my coffee sweet. I usually use creamer on it, like those sweet creamers, which I usually because I should be having sugar, but I love those. I think that's the only store I should be about to have on a daily basis

Share your coffe likes with me! #coffee #creamer #sweet

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:28
Or maybe your mind quickly drifts as well and the curiosity of others around the world. Ana wherever experiencing the same experience you are in the morning. And suddenly a question forms as my artistic, romantic vision, I guess you can say, of creativity. Ana understanding, trying to understand and visualize where you are. But now, to answer your question, my coffee, I don't drink coffee coffee often
Regan Ridling
@regan · 2:44
Hey, I love that picture you painted of the swell being made. That was so fun. But to answer the question, I drink my coffee with just a little bit of creamer. So no sweetener, just a little bit of cream. Try and do a little, like, as little cream as possible. I've drink it black before I do it every now and then, but I try and put just as little cream in as possible so I'm not going overboard
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ana Cristina
@lamepanda89 · 1:32


Well, thank you very much for that. So in general, yes, I I agree that the sugar is just insane in those drinks, so I'm glad you brought it up. I don't feel like I need coffee on a daily basis to function. Excuse me. But I do like it's flavor and I love it. Every morning I wake up and I'm like, oh, my coffee. And I get sad if I don't get coffee because I'm like my coffee
