Marion Brown
@LaMari · 4:50

When Life Gives You Lemons

And that would lead to I think it would lead to that state where a person is mostly quiet a lot. When they don't go that way. It's not that they're really deep depressed, but they're revamping. Okay. Life gave you lemons. Lemons don't taste that good when you first put them on your tongue. Unless you want those little weird people joking

#Bitter #Sweet #Sour #Thinking #Revamping

Michelle Mills
@Mmills123 · 1:46
But I think God has something bigger for you and I know that sometime we want what we want and then when we get it, it don't really be exactly what we wanted. But I'm really just believing that God has a higher plan for you. He maybe are going to put you in charge of something that you probably never thought you would ever do. He may even bring you to another position that you thought you would probably never do
