Lorraine Carey
@LaLa575 · 3:15

Out of Body Experiences

You. Hi everyone. Happy Monday. I just wanted to jump on here real quick today to talk about sleep paralysis. If any of you have experienced this, you know how frightening it can be, gosh. And you know, there each episode is different for different people. Body experiences sleep paralysis since I have been 14 years old. They tend to run in families in my family. My mother has had them, my aunt, my uncle, my cousin

#OBE #paranormal #sleep #sleepparalysis

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:13
Hi. Thank you for sharing about this. I'm sorry that you have these intense sleep paralysis. I feel like I have had sleep paralysis. I'm not sure at that intensity. But there are times where it just that in between state and really feeling like waking up and just like something has happened to me and sometimes it does feel like it is a physical thing, the biggest one. And this is what I wondering if you know if it is a form of sleep paralysis
Lorraine Carey
@LaLa575 · 0:29


You. Yes, thank you for responding. And it's quite a subject, I'm telling you. But it's just like we're almost like it is part of an out of body experience. And is it like our soul leaving the body? It's still even a mystery to doctors, but it's all interesting. And thanks for replying and keep me updated on if anything else should occur. Stay safe, my dear
