And again the next day he came. And again he dialed up the same person. And he asked, sir, what if that person becomes ill and he's not going to work for 1015 days and you'll be struggling for cleaning, right? So then the pharmacist called boy. And he asked, hey, see, you are so sincere in asking for a job. And I haven't seen a person like you who is actually searching for a job with so sincerity

#motivational- #

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:25
Hi Deepa that's a very interesting story with an amazing twist in the end on accountability and ownership, which I think a lot of people lack in today's world because we don't talk enough about accountability. I believe we do stuff whether that's related to work, whether that's related to the relationship that we have with people and at times we do mess up, but after messing up we fail to take the accountability
