Tina Jackson
@LadyTPoetry1 · 2:10

"Love Dont Hit"

We're gonna just touch on, you know, very deep topic that a lot of people don't want to talk about. A lot of people keep hidden if they're abused. I know I used to keep it hidden. This book is a novel. It's not my story, but it's someone's story, and it's about a very abusive person and a victim. And so I want to expose what is going on in the world with domestic violence

#abuse #mental #trauma

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:30
Hey, congratulations on finishing your book. What a huge accomplishment. I mean, I can't even imagine all the hard work and time that you've put into it. Yeah. And it sounds really, like, really important work also to talk about these things that often go unspoken, and they're more dangerous for it. So it's really, really, really great. Thank you for doing this, and I hope that it goes great on April 27
