Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 10:31

Love Shouldn’t Hurt : How JEALOUSY almost got me KILLED!

But to hurt somebody because you can is petty, it's malicious, it's narcissistic, and it's behavior that shows the other person you don't truly love them. So be careful, be kind, be vigilant, be safe. If you're in a relationship and this is what's occurring to you, please get help. I survived to be able to tell this story, but this could have went really, really left and I could have been in the grave right now

#jealousy #violence #domesticviolence #beaware #seekhelp #getoutbeforeyoucant #LadyFi

StephStyle +
@StephStylePlus · 5:00
My story is not quite that severe, and I say that, but this is back in high school, and so I don't feel that it was that severe. But the simple fact that I had a very jealous boyfriend back in high school, and I'll never forget one time we were in, it's kind of like the downtown, but it's not necessarily the downtown in Omaha, Nebraska, and it's called the old market
StephStyle +
@StephStylePlus · 1:34
All right. Sorry about that. Didn't realize my time was that close, but I wanted to just kind of finish this and say, Evelyn, again, thank you. Because although we can say that we survived. Right. But your message is loud and clear. And I hope that somebody that's either going through or experiencing any type of abuse will realize that they're valuable and that there are ways and resources to help them to get away
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:25


Somebody is out there hurting really badly, and they have no clue how bad it can get if they stay. So I want people to get out. I want them to get out safely, though. So we'll talk about that more on another. Love shouldn't hurt. But thank you for sharing your story, because like you said, if one person survives, then that's amazing. And we're not just survivors. Our life is thriving now. I'm thriving
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:26


Hi, Ms. Evelyn. Thank you again for sharing your story. Thank you for your vulnerability. Thank you for opening up this dialogue that is so very needed because there are so many people, whether they would admit it or not, are in abusive relationship and don't know how to get out. Right. They don't know how to get out. Like you said, they felt like they deserved it, like they did something that caused them to be abused
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:15


Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much for saying that. Because I promise you, all I want to do is help somebody else. You know, I think. I don't think God brought me out just to be quiet. I think he brought me out to tell other people that there is a way out. You are worth getting out. You're so special. You're so able
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 1:47
It was very clear that this was a man who was dealing with some level of maturity and accountability and responsibility as the leader of his family and that there was some area of improvement with that. And so, unfortunately, when it came out that he was domestically violent, I honestly was not at all surprised because he fits the profile similar to what you just shared
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:57


And if we're just good enough, if we pray hard enough, if we do things the right way, if we just look the right way, if we act the right way, then they'll change. And that's just not true. So thank you so much for commenting on this. Well, because, yes, you do understand with you helping other women to understand if this is not the way that they should think more of themselves and try to get out for themselves and their children
