Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:42

#Perspective | Would I bring someone I loved, back from the dead...Hmmmm!! Would I?

But I wouldn't bring him back because he's not in pain anymore. He's happy. He's free. There is no more requirements for him, no more hurdles for him to jump over. No more I's to dot and t's to cross. He's in perfect harmony with God. So no. Absolutely not. I wouldn't take someone from beauty and awesomeness and peace to bring them back to confusion and stress and the tiredness of this world. So I love this prompt

#YourPromptsMar24 #sppgupp4 @Mommas_Jungle https://s.swell.life/SU9NNXiYFbkFtQ7

If you love someone let them go—your father is with you in so many ways, every day.

Hey Evelyn, MJ here listened to your talk, your swell cast, and absolutely agree with you. I think that if I was gonna bring anyone back from the dead, it would be an exchange, right? Like they're having to take my place. But absolutely agree that especially after you've watched someone fighting and overcoming so many hurdles and barriers to their life, you want to see a sense of reprieve. It probably was like when you went to his viewing or his funeral or whatever
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:52
I wish you could have got the help for it, but I truly believe that we have two things that we're guaranteed, and that's to be born and to die. What happens in between is on us, you know? But, yeah, I think that death is peace no matter the situation, you know? I know sometimes people, they pass in different situations to where it might be just more chaotic. But no matter what, you know, we have them in memory
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:43


Thank you so much. We haven't had his viewing yet because we've been waiting for people to come in from out of town, but it's Thursday. But I watched my dad suffer through so much pain for years and years, for decades. So him being free, oh, I'm so happy for him. I'm so happy for him. He no longer feels pain and he is perfect now. And I'm just excited for his journey now
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:04


As someone told me about my father, his concerns are no longer of this world. And that excites me, because suffering is over. Pain is over. Distraught is over. Fear is over. So, no, I wouldn't bring them back here to experience all these mortal emotions. No. They're on such a higher plane now that their understanding is way different. And to come back here would just be defeat us. So thank you so much
Todd Heimbecker
@noarms · 0:12
Yeah, totally agree. Absolutely. Absolutely not. I would not bring back any of my loved ones. As you say. Totally agree to what you're saying in your story. Take care. Bye now. Bye
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:55
So maybe get a Facebook account, connect with everybody, like, hey, what's up? I'm back for a little bit. Laugh at the memes. He probably would have been sharing stuff terribly. Get on the phone so he could text people, oh, my God, you have a little fun with technology, the Simpsons, things like that. And then he probably, you know, vacation here on earth and then be ready to go back at best, because he died
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:44
And why would one want to go backwards? When purpose has been fulfilled, lessons have been learned, legacy cemented. It's to move forward onto the next part of one's spiritual journey. And so, because of that, like you said, they have already passed the test here, and there are one to their next, and so there's no need to come backwards. The. The idea, the concept. I won't speak for all
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:57


Just an amazing place where there is no. No fear, no hunger, you know, no pain, no misunderstandings, just nothing. No drama. I love it. One day I'll be there too. So, no, I would not pull them back here into this mess we call a world. But I mean, it's still God's world and he's gonna correct it eventually. But as of right now, no, no, no. They are best left where they are
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:13


Thank you so much, sir. I really appreciate you. Yeah, I totally agree. I wouldn't bring anybody back, not down here, because they're just so peaceful where they are right now. But thank you so much
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:33


And I want to start making things comfortable, more comfortable for me. And I think my dad would have liked that, too. He wanted me to be happy. He always did. And at the end, I think he knew I was happy. He really did. So, yeah, heaven on earth. And then. No, no, I'm not bringing anybody back from total bliss and happiness to come here to complacency. No way. So thank you so much
Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 1:23
I think it's natural, I think, to wonder about it, but, yeah, I think it would, I think would be cruel in many ways. If he had a loved one who had moved, has moved on, and you brought them back here, I think they'd be very upset with you. They'd be like, why'd you bring me back here for? Like, I was doing good. Like, you know, I was somewhere very peaceful and calm
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:57


I really appreciate you coming out here, offering your condolences, and then, you know, telling me a little bit about how you felt, too, about loved ones being brought back or not
Calvin Bunch Jr
@TwoFast2Strong · 3:10


And, you know, if I didn't know who God was, I wouldn't be able to have that peace, even when I lost my dad and my mom and others, my grandmothers and things of that nature. But it's because of who he is that we can have peace even in the midst of sorrow
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:50


Don't bring me to work. Don't bring me to the grocery store. I'm done with all of that. I'm in a better place. I had my time on earth. I know you love me. You ain't got to wear me. Just let me be. And I laugh, but that's probably. I can hear my sister saying that, like, just let me be. And so I think that that's the gist of what you were saying
Calvin Bunch Jr
@TwoFast2Strong · 1:56


And I can agree where you're going with that, but they are where they are. You know what I mean? And I don't think us wearing, you know, that memorabilia with the ashes. And I don't think that's, you know, literally, you know, and I don't think you mean it in this way either. I'm just talking out loud right now. I don't think that's carrying them and as if they're still alive, and
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:51


Hey. Good afternoon. Yes. What you said makes sense for sure. And I do believe people are where they are. One of the reasons why I've actually never visited a gravesite of my grandmother's. One of my brothers is actually buried. He wasn't cremated. I've never visited a gravesite. It's just never been my thing because I, like you said, I don't believe they're there


I am so with you on that, Ange. The whole slap in the face. Who told you to bring me back? Oh, I would be so angry. That's a very good point. Maybe people don't want to come back as much as we love them. You know, one person's love is one thing, but the whole bite of life is a whole nother prospect. I agree with you, but you're funnier when you say it
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:05


Thank you so much. You know, I, man, I stand to agree with you. Bringing someone back to this world would be atrocious. It would just be wrong. Because as I've stated before, when you go to heaven, everything is right. Nothing is wrong. Your whole mental capacity is different. Your mindset is on something different. You're on a higher plane, a higher calling. You are a celestial being with God. You are changed and transformed
