Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 4:06

Homestead and Preppers: Do your have at least 6 months of food and water put up?

I have an indoor hydroponics garden, and I'm growing herbs and onions and potatoes and avocados and things that I need around the house. Carrots. Because who wants to keep going to the grocery store and paying these outrageous prices? Not me. But not only do you prep food, but you learn to sew, you learn to plan ahead. Like I say, you chop the firewood, you fish, you learn canning. And that's what I'm doing right now

#Homesteading #Preppers #Stockpiling #NonPerishableFood #Water #AreYouPrepared #LadyFi

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:39
Hey, Evelyn, this is Jl. And that is a great question. I have a great. Not a great. I do have an answer, which is I do not. I co parent with my son's father. So my son is here every other week. That's our schedule. We exchange on Friday. So, for example, this Friday, tomorrow he's coming. Being back home with me. Then he'll be with me for a week
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:02


Hey, Jl. I mean, in your case, eating out is probably the way to go because it's just you. Unless your son is there on the week that he's there. But with me and my husband, it's just the two of us right now. Unless my daughters come back home to visit or whatever. But I still prep because I believe that one day we're just going to need it
aqiylah collins
@qitowellness · 1:38
I'm still in an urban area outside of New York, but I do still have the skills that I learned in childhood, like how to sew, that I do use, and how to grow herbs, which I still grow, and make my own tinctures and herbal teas and remedies and things like that. Not so much on the food part, though, mainly because I don't have the storage space available at this time
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:06


Thank you very much. You just indicated what I'm talking about. This is the whole reason why I'm talking about it is because I do believe that there's going to be a time where we're going to have to barter for things and we're going to have to do things. Excuse me, I'm cutting some onions, but I believe that everything you said is true. We're going to have a need for stuff and we're going to have to have some
aqiylah collins
@qitowellness · 2:08


I have not had a lot of luck starting most of my herbs from seeds, so I've had to find medicinal plants that were starters in the community and plant those, and then those have mostly done very well. I am planting most of and growing most of my herbs in pots on a balcony, but they're doing really well and I use them and they're effective, so they're not sprayed, they're not exposed to a lot of exhausts or anything like that because of where I live
