Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:26

#AskSwell | Are you keeping it traditional for Thanksgiving or are you going a little rogue? #holidays #Thanksgiving 🦃🍁🥧🥔🥘

Good morning, my swellcast family. Good morning. Hey, I got a question for you guys. Now, you know, Thanksgiving is coming up. You know, turkey, dressing, all of that. But is anyone doing nontraditional Thanksgiving this year? I mean, are you not cooking the mac and cheese? Are you not making potato salad? Are you not making the greens and chitlins and turkey? Is anybody doing anything different this year? I'll go first

Are you keeping the same menu that you always keep for Thanksgiving or are you doing something different? #LadyFi

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:38


She'll ask everybody, what is it that you want to eat for the holiday? And then she'll try to come up with a menu that incorporates some of what everybody won't. So my oldest daughter, she pretty much takes care of the holidays because she's a big holiday person and she should be because she got a baby on the way and she got her two year, well, she'll be two in a couple of weeks, and then she's got her 14 year old daughter
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:49


That sounds really great. I love it. I love traditional. But today we're not doing that because it's just us this year, which is so surprising for me because I've been cooking for, oh, my gosh, so long, I don't even know how to cook small. So it's going to be something. So I am so excited for you guys that you're going to be doing something together. I love that. I thank you so much for answering this
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:08
We still went over to my sister in law's house and had like the turkey and cranberry and yams, candied yams and things like that. We may still have those here, but we're going to try to do it. We're going to try to come up with something. And you know me, the whole holidays, I get real jittery and anxious because I know that's when people want us to come over or people want to come over to our house
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:00


But for the most part, yeah, I do have to watch it, too, so I get exactly what you're saying. But a teriyaki turkey, that sounds amazing. Your husband must be a chef. That sounds great
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:48
But the plate method is when you just have more, for example, more veggies on your plate than anything else, put it that way. So it's like 75% veggies and the other smaller portions is whatever starch of your choice and protein. So you could do it that way with the plate method. Or like I said, just make sure you have the great combo of good fats, fiber and protein. Will remember any of this? Nope
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:11


If my daughter was doing something else where I wasn't going to be with her, I would probably go, just go get me a Cornish hen and a little small ham, like a half flank of ham, and have that and then some sides with it, and that would probably be all I would have for Thanksgiving. My daughter is a holiday person like you. She already got her Christmas tree up, and she didn't been on TikTok and Pinterest looking up different things
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:02
If it was strictly up to me, we would go nontraditional. I'm not a fan of turkey. I don't like yams. I don't like chitlins. We don't eat green bean casserole, but I don't care for that either. Mashed potatoes. I don't care for mashed potatoes either, but. So if it was up to me, now, I do like dressing. I do stuffing, dressing, wherever you're from, I like that
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:41


She don't like cornbread. And I'll be like, are you like, are you black? But anyway, just a stereotype. Not everybody eats the same things, right? And some people just don't like certain things and that's okay. But I was listening to the list and I was like, okay, she might be my sister. But anyway, yeah. Anyway, sorry, a phone call came in. I do like traditional. I love me some dressing
@WalksWithWings · 4:51

Non-traditional because non-typical. #Thanksgiving

No turkey for me, no ham, none of the meats, of course. And these things that are cooked with butter and lard, I can't eat those. So what am I supposed to do? Well, if I had a big family and I couldn't eat that, maybe I would cook some alternate foods and we would have a spread that included traditional and nontraditional. I don't at this point in my life
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:21


Dairy, gluten, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So he's very limited with what he can have. And then me being a diabetic, I'm very limited in what I can have as well, in moderations, of course
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 1:42
Now, his sister did give me the heads up that they do dress up when it's time to sit around the table, which was helpful for me because in my family, we do not. Usually the women are preparing the food and cooking, and we go straight from the kitchen. The men come straight from outside if they're frying a turkey or anything like that, and we come to the table and sit together. No one's changing outfits and getting donned up or dolled up
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:37


I am hopeful and I'm happy for you, and I hope you have the most wonderful time. Really be yourself and just enjoy yourself. Thank you so much for sharing with us what you're going to do and that you're having a good Thanksgiving this way
