Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFiĀ Ā·Ā 0:57

April Birthdays: Happy Birthday to you All!šŸŽ‰šŸ„³

Do your dance because it's good to dance. It's good to move. It's good to remember who you are. So you know what? Dance, dance, dance. Come show me. Happy birthday, y'all. And I hope it's the best birthday ever. Happy birthday again

#HappyBirthday #AprilBirthdays #Celebrate #doyou #HappyDay #Youā€™reAmazing #LadyFi

Elisha Valentine šŸ™
@ElishaĀ Ā·Ā 0:38
This is fun. I love this. I start by saying happy birthday to all my fellow aries. The rams are in the house. Happy birthday to my brother whose birthday is on the 9th. And happy birthday to my baby girl whose birthday is on the 16th. So to all of you who are celebrating this month, and please do celebrate yourself, have a very happy and blessed birthday and I hope this is your best year ever. Bye
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFiĀ Ā·Ā 0:39


Hey. I love this. I love this. Happy birthday to everyone in your family, all your friends, all the people in April. I think that was really nice of you to tell people to have the best year ever, because it is about that. It's about living our life, living our best life, our fullest life, our most imaginary life, you know, that's fulfilled not just in our imagination, but it's fulfilled with purpose and planning. So I love this
