Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 4:26

Let’s Talk about Character ✨😌

Good afternoon, my swellcat family. Good afternoon. And today I wanted to talk about character, because let me tell you something. You are not responsible for anybody's character. I'm learning the older I get that, it's just not my problem. You know, if someone isn't getting themselves together, I can tell you, I can try to you, I can pray for you, I can support you, I can encourage you, but I can't make you

#Character #Qualities #Transformative #MentalWellness #Learn #SocietyAndCulture #LadyFi

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:50
When there are diversity trainings in companies, anytime there is something that's racist, that happens, or not even just racist, sexist, whatever ist there is, there's a course on it. And I understand that there are some soft skills that need to be taught and that should be built upon. I understand that 1000%. But if you need training on how to be human towards another person, it doesn't really instill confidence in humanity
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:00


It's utterly disgusting that we have to teach people to be good, that we have to teach people to be kind and not to be rude or ignorant or utterly criticizing people to the point that they want to kill themselves. And then it was even more disgusting that we had to teach people to wash their hands during the COVID exercises. So. Oh, my gosh. That's why I say, who raising these people? What happened? Who dropped the ball? Who dropped the ball?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:04
As I get older, I learned that it's best for me to just remain hush on things and just to carry on in the way that I know how instead of using my energy to focus on that. Because people, they do what they want. They change when they're ready and they adapt too when need to. So nobody needs to tell anybody anything, especially when we're grown. We already know what's right and what's wrong in most cases
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:00


And it's always good having a conversation with you, Evelyn. And let me tell you this. We ain't going to disrespect the wolves and the bunnies and the cats and everybody out there, because you know what? I've witnessed wolves raising their pups better than the humans. And my rabbit cleans herself better than some of these humans, did it during the pandemic. That's what makes this whole thing so sad and so funny. But let me stop. Let me stop
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:11


If you were never told, if you were never given the opportunity, you never had the opportunity to even behold hold someone that had good character or exhibited certain things in a certain time during a certain situation, then you really don't know, do you? But I don't know. People should want to be better. They should. But they don't always necessarily feel that way. They don't feel that that's better
