Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:54

Education: The Enrollment Policy Problem

And then nobody gets ahead. So when you're judged by these test scores and by improvement and by if they're meeting the standards, of course they're not because you can't spend enough time properly educating the kids. And these incentives for not allowing suspension, not kicking kids out of class, not having discipline, I understand where they come from. It's the idea of the whole prison to pipeline thing and a school to prison pipeline and working on kids confidence and emotional development
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:11


And so when we put into place some kind of policy that says we're going to enroll people that are at a certain standard, you have to be able to have a system that absorbs the other kinds of kids. And if they're all in one space, what's that going to do for any potential growth for those people, those young hearts that are in that trauma? It's trauma when you can't absorb new information, when you can't learn, when you can't advance
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:43

8th grade

Now a lot of teachers are leaving and classroom issues are really on the top of the heap there. And I think there's a tendency to keep throwing those things back on the teachers
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 2:30

#education #mentalhealth #policy

Sometimes it feels a little bit like a losing battle, but I also feel really inspired by my friends and community here that are really trying to do what they can to make education more accessible and also more inclusive here in Oklahoma. So looking forward to any thoughts you have and hopefully maybe some things I can consider in regards to my own work and community involvement here in my home state. Thanks a lot
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:33


And the kids that really need her when they need her can't always have her because she stretched so, so thin. Because the kids she's assigned to also abuse the privilege and because the kids that don't need her are also looking to take advantage of that resource. So you need to really tighten things up in general, and schools need room to do that
