Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:49

Adventures in Randomizing / Diversifying Swell Interactions

And I certainly have not come across, even in the browsing of the worldwide, 1000 different users that have not come across here or even I don't know how many hundred I see. I guess maybe it means running into some of the many posters that may only post once or twice. And I actually think if that's the case, I remember this being discussed before. It really would benefit for Swell to

#search #random #conversations

Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 2:20
You said it yourself, you were looking at other people, but I don't know if you said you wanted to interact or hit the reply button or not. I've been on this app yeah, go ahead. I've been on this app now for like about three years and I've been on other apps like this before. And in my personal opinion, that's the gold spot, that's the sweet spot of apps like this, is that you get to interact with other people
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 3:07


If you look for a key term like search option, it listed it by date, or maybe limited it to a time period like the last week, the last month, or something like that, or last three months. So you can look for search terms that are not as hold on, let me finish this guy. You can look for search terms that are not as relevant to the people that usually come into your feed or whatever, your browse or categories, or your latest results or your invites
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 0:19
It's. Also if I didn't say thank you, I don't want to sound like somebody who's searching for a problem here and looking for something to complain about. I really am trying to spread my wings a little in terms of the people that I talk to on the platform
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 2:58


It. Yeah, you got it right. It's probably 20 people at Max that use this app on a daily basis. And I think the caveat with that date search is that you're just going to be listening to a lot of dead Swells, so there's not going to be anybody replying back to you. But, I mean, you never know
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 3:20


I'm not going back to Twitter or going to Twitter or any of those mass online don't. I find them to be an addiction that I don't really have conversations on. It's very reactionary. So I like Swell better than all of them. I haven't been on Facebook for well over a know. I've bounced in and out of Twitter every now and then. I hate being on LinkedIn even, but that's required of it
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:45
And that's fine, that's great, but I don't do the Twitter thing because I think it's not my cup of tea here. I feel like I can talk about a wide range of topics, but you have to put yourself out there. And I think sometimes people think, oh, am I talking too much? Because not always. You should have an opinion or give an advice, but it's not welcome to warranted, but this is a talking app, so what the hell?
