Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:35

Teacher Journal: Career Direction Cost Benefit Rumination

And also what you cover may really also depends on where the students are at. So it's more like a back and forth rather than trying to come up. And it's not a traditional lesson. I think with this school, the number of students I see at one time are no more than three
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:57
It takes a lot of time. Grading, printing out, organizing. Preparing the curriculum, again, is like a job on its own. So all of that is kind of gone, or most of that dealing with the parents. And that's aside from being in the classroom in real time or communications, dealing with the parents, managing a classroom, I really don't have to do a lot of that because it's smaller groups and it is kind of on the path that I want to go
