Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 3:02

Are They Willing To Inconvenience Themselves For Your Sake?

You. I'm starting to think maybe the mark or one of the markers of do you really want to keep someone around, I don't know, in your inner circle, or maybe that you trust or maybe you find useful even as a partner in achieving something, or a business partner is, are they willing to inconvenience themselves, sake for you? And maybe business isn't the right thing because that's more transactional. It's mutually selfish, is optimal business
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 4:37


You. So I'm not sure in what context you're like really posing this question in, so I'm just going to give like a general response. And one, I think if two people are handling business together, they should be willing to move around for each other. And because you would want the best possible outcome, that's what I would think. Two, I think it is a testing and it truly depends on the intentions of the person who is looking to gain from the outcome
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 2:08

No, No, and NO! #strategic #nogames #bereal #content #people #lifeisshort #drama

It. Life is short and way too much time is spent deliberating, entertaining and dealing with people that really don't serve us. And if one is in a position where you can actually eliminate toxicity and people not serving you or not making it worth your time to be able to have them in your life, then you should remove such people or person. Why?
Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 4:28
Hello. So this is interesting because I know for me, I always like to do things for people. Like, if I care about you, you're going to feel it, you're going to know it, because I'm always show up for you. I'm always get you things here and there. I'm not going to just wait until it's like a holiday to necessarily show my love and my appreciation for you
