Kristin Crockett
@Kristin3destiny · 4:59

Courageous Destiny Sales Alignment 1

Sure, some of those things will be cloaked in wisdom, which will be great. But other things, you know, it might be it's not the right time. That it's not the right time keeps more people out of sales and getting new clients than anything I know. So I want you to be able to share, share, share. And if there's anything in your mind between you and that sharing, I would love for you to share what that is in the group


Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:28
This seems like great advice. I mean, I'm not a chiropractor. I've been to the chiropractor, and, oh, my God, I am so thankful that your profession exists. Thank you so much. And if you're encouraging chiropractors to put themselves out there and to promote their business and help more people with their bodies, I'm all for that. So thank you for sharing on here, and thank you for doing the work that you do
