komal luthra
@Komal_luthra · 4:55

#Talktome - Have you ever tried Positive Affirmations?

And the end goal of doing these affirmations is to get into the state of knowing that you already have your desire. So like you have to know that you have it right now. And another important thing that I use for affirmations is you have to take advantage of your state akin to sleep. We call it SATS SATS because it's my favorite pastime for sure, right? I mean, people love to sleep

Affirmations 101: How to Create and Use them for Manifestation #affirmations #lawofattraction #mindset #positivethinking #askswell #liveinthemoment

Brian Foreman
@BKFOREMAN69 · 1:58
Good morning. This may be short. I have a meeting coming up, but I wanted to remember to get this in. I'm a psychology professor and we just had a discussion on the self fulfilling prophecy and I feel affirmations really do fit into that. But the one thing I wanted to say that I learned from you today is to state the positive. Like, I am rich, I am healthy, wealthy, wise, whatever, versus that I want to be
komal luthra
@Komal_luthra · 3:33


But something as big as physical healing, one has to go to really deeper dimensions and connect with the source of creation to be able to do that. It is not as simple as it is shown there. But yes, it is certainly possible. In fact, there is honestly a lot of talk about it in my next book that I have started writing now
bhawna gola
@Priyaroy123 · 0:19


Hey, Komal. Thank you for this amazing, sir. Well, yes, I have used them by being hopeful for my things in life. I maintained faith in my things, and I found that actions are to be done simultaneously with them because only faith alone would not get you what you want to keep working. Thank you so much
