Kayla Morales
@kaylachristal · 5:00

Welcome :) (Me, Psychotherapy, ADHD Diagnosis & where im at now) (see reply for continuation!)

Hi everyone, I'm Kayla. I am a psychotherapist working from home living in New York City. I'm also a caregiver, I'm Puerto Rican and I have ADHD. Anxiety and depression, what a weird combination, was actually recently diagnosed with ADHD, which has been the most illuminating thing ever and it's been quite the journey to get here. My main, I guess, symptoms are just this is not going to be an inclusive list, but definitely anxiety

#Me #Psychotherapy #ADHD #ADHDDiagnosis #MentalHealth #Wellness #lifestyle #journey

Kayla Morales
@kaylachristal · 2:23
So some things will be lifestyle. Some things will be, take a walk with me and let's talk. Some things will be ADHD, anxiety, depression. Some things will just be, hey, this is where I'm at today. Some things will be I discovered this and I want to share it. So it's kind of a lifestyle journey. Swallowcast, I guess
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:45
Is it something you've been interested in for a long time, or how did how did you end up here? I'd be so interested to know. But, yeah, thank you for being here, and I look forward to hearing more from
Kayla Morales
@kaylachristal · 2:10


Ahead. Hi there. Thank you so much for your reply and your question. It feels really good to have someone out there listening. So what drew me to psychotherapy was being in my own psychotherapy as a client. I started going to therapy sessions after my dad passed away, maybe around like, eight or nine years, though. And I was just feeling very depressed and anxious, and I decided, let me try it out
